Hey, Office Slobs, Try Harder…Please?

Some days, you just know you’ll be teaching etiquette to a TOUGH crowd!  Here’s what I saw as I passed by a desk on my way to give a class on “How to Behave at Work.” 

When you work in an office–with other people–remember that you are sharing space.  “Sharing” as communal; the opposite of private.  Obviously, the office manager was trying to convey the “shared space” rule with her sign (above).  Here’s what I see as problematic with this situation:

  • A sign written in ALL CAPS is not easy to read.
  • All caps is as if the person is yelling instead of writing.
  • People who work in this office seem not to care about their working environment (Slobs. Yes, I called them slobs.)  
  • Being a good employee means following the rules–even if you don’t agree with them.

    If picking up your food wrappers and throwing away trash is a big deal for you, work somewhere else that allows slovenly behavior.

  • No matter what type of office you work in–it’s NOT your home*.   Casual might be the dress code, but the condition of your work space tells the passer-by EVERYTHING they need to know about your attitude at work. An open bag of Doritos and a coke on your desk and the makings of a Disney movie spread all over does not equate to professional or hard-working professional.  Yes, be comfortable but don’t be a slob.

    One last thought: take pride in your work space and in your work.

    Clean up the messes you make.  Clean the microwave after use.  Remove your old food from the office fridge.  Be a leader and help set the tone for the rest of the office.

    *unless you work from home.  Then, slob out.  As long as no one ever comes to your home to do business, that is!


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