hi . . . my name’s Sarah . . . Sarah Elizabeth and I’m not normal. At a young age I had a love for the stars, (some) philosophy, history, and art. As I grew older I was able to appreciate the lessons I was taught back then. Now, I’m an 18-year-old high school graduate living in suburbia, remembering how I got so ambitious and wondering why my inspiration kept fleeting but I’ve always known that it was fear, the only thing to ever stop me. I’ve been strong enough to over come it a couple of times: when I helped get the dance crew back at my (old) high school, walked in that same high school’s fashion show for the past two years, the last show that I walked it was the first (and definitely not last) fashion show I put together, and I’ve been apart of something bigger (Shatter Crew, FCCLA Executive Board, FCCLA period, my first and current job, and any group with my friends). My pride and ambition beat fear every time, all because at the age of 16 I started to become the person 7-year-old Sarah would be proud of, now, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t gotten lost. I’ve lost myself my fair share of times but I always found my way back . . . thanks to the people I’ve met. I normally don’t have the best luck but with him I did, don’t let me fool you I’m still single, but I met someone and no it’s not love but it’s something, I just don’t know what yet. But him and his family . . . they’re something special, they’re those people who you have to meet at least once in your life. They’re not your regular normal family, they’re funny and they mess around with each other and they remind me of my family, man do they remind me of mine
hi // sarah elizabeth
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