I For You

Today I want to talk about a book that alludes me. I was browsing on Goodreads like I do, when I came across a book called I For You by Orizuka. The cover is stunning and I admit, it’s what is driving me to find this book. It’s beautiful. I’ve looked and I can’t find it anywhere. It’s an Indonesian young adult romance novel, so I wouldn’t exactly be able to read it even if I found it… but seriously though, are there no translations out there? I’ve been able to find a couple of (translated) reviews online [here] and [here] but that’s it…

So for now, let’s just admire this cover…

I’m seriously thinking about trying to paint this cover for myself. Is that weird? I just think it’s so pretty. Exactly my aesthetic and watercolor is my thing. I think I could probably get it close. I still want to read it though. Have any of you ever had that problem, finding a book in a foreign language that you want to read but can’t? It’s frustrating.

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