Today was a cold, snowy day here in Kansas and quite frankly I didn’t feel like doing anything except cuddling under the blanket with the pups and watching movies. The pups on the other hand have cabin fever and REALLY wanted to be outside, but they were cold so………….in and out, in and out all day. Drove me insane! So while I was opening and closing the door all day and longing for warmer days, I was reminded of this pin I did last summer. I really thought the dogs would love it, but honestly they weren’t that impressed. They like ice cubes, but I really think the cold block was too much for them to bother with to get to the toys. Either that or they’re really just lazy (I mean you can see the toys sticking out right there on top!). I pulled it out over several days to try to get them interested, but they just licked at it a few times and then moved on. I finally just let it melt and then they were happy with the toys. I used a Rubbermaid container with a lid, but the toys didn’t really sink down. Also, the treats were soggy. It was kind of gross when it melted, so I wouldn’t suggest putting those in there. Anyway……….it’s was easy enough to make if you think you’re dogs will like it, so give it a try. Don’t deny your babies just because mine are lazy!
Find it here……….
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