January TBR

Hello everyone! As you may remember from my 2017 Goals post, this year I’ve set myself a goal to read a whopping total of fifty books. Which means I gotta act quick and start reading! Since I’ve got a lot of reading to do this year, I thought I’d keep you up-to-date with my reading. At the start of every month, I’m going to post my monthly TBR list and then at the end of every month, I’ll review the books I read for you all!

With that said, here are the books I will be reading for the month of January…

The Girls by Emma Cline ~ For awhile, I have been intrigued by this Manson-esque novel. I’m so thrilled to get to finally dive in and see if it lives up to the hype as well as the expectations I have for it!

Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding ~ I cannot explain how long I have wanted to read this novel. So many times I’ve wanted to start to read Bridget Jones’s Diary, but things have gotten in the way (i.e. it’s not been in stock, other books came in the way, Christmas, etc…). I finally picked it up and I can’t wait to give it a go.

My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella ~ I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book, and have always wanted to read a book by Kinsella, so I thought I’d start here!

Paris for One and Other Stories by Jojo Moyes ~ I’ve had a few hits and a few misses with Jojo Moyes, but Paris for One seems to be pretty promising. I hope I’m not let down with this one!

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