The reader would do well to refresh their memory of previous events by reviewing the book that precedes this one (To Dwell in Darkness) before beginning Crombie’s latest in the Kincaid and James series. Kincaid’s investigations center around many of the events that took place in the previous book and remembering those details goes a long way to understanding what happens in Garden of Lamentations.
While Kincaid is immersed in an investigation that easily puts him in danger, and could affect his job on the force, Gemma is thrust into another that has personal implications. A young nanny has been murdered and the tension between neighbours where the murder took place is palpable and frightening. And at the center is a young child whose life could very well be at risk.
As they tackle their respective investigations, Kincaid and James seem miles apart in their personal life. It’s as if one is reading two separate books entirely, and the only common denominator is that work is taking a toll on them and their family.
Fast-paced and well-plotted, this is a great read for the most enthusiastic of mystery lovers.
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