Justice League

After Superman vs Batman and Wonder Woman, I have high hopes for this story.  They have been building up the other characters in the other films in small flashes. We know they are going to be in the film.  After the death of Superman in Superman vs Batman, I wonder what will happen next in this DC world.

The film starts with the further search for the new characters, the Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg. Although we had already seen the case files before, Bruce Wayne did not yet assemble the team yet.  It also seems Bruce has some remorse for the death of Superman.

When an apocalyptical sequence starts where Steppenwolf breaks through from another dimension to collect the Mother Boxes. The team gets assembled.  The first Mother box is on Themyscira. After Steppenwolf gets his hands on this box, the Amazons warn Diana through lighting a fire (which she learns about on the news). The second Mother box is located in Atlantis. This is the world of Aquaman. As he was very difficult to convince to join the team, he now sees his world attacked and wants revenge. As they feel they are not strong enough as a team and feel they are missing a strength as that of Superman, they devise a plan to resurrect Clark Kent. They do this on the Kryptonian ship (the one where Lex Luther tried to do the same). In the first moments after being resurrected Superman seems to be not himself. He attacks the people who brought him back to life. It takes the big guns to get him to calm down (the big guns being the love of his life, Lois).

Superman joins the cause as the team searches for the last box. The third Mother Box, the box of men, is located in a desolate Russian village.

Of course, they win, there aren’t that many superhero movies where the hero dies (excluding Superman vs Batman or Logan – those come to mind in a heartbeat).

In general, I thought it was a very entertaining film and a second setup film for the DCU (after Suicide Squad). I did like the pop cultural references (hello Joss Whedon).

On the other hand, there were a few things that bothered me. The first thing is the Flash in general. It might be that I’m so used to seeing Grant Gustin as the Flash in the TV series that Ezra Miller didn’t have the same feel or was it the fact that when he was running he was titled so far it wouldn’t be really possible to run (except for into the ground). Secondly, the view on the Amazons. I saw before I went to see the film that they had made new costumes for the Amazons and there was a big question why about that. Now honestly I didn’t mind the costumes only the way the Amazons were filmed. Do you really need to see that cleavage of buttcheek that much? Thirdly Atlantis, ok when you have Aquaman in the film, and one of the Motherboxes is in Atlantis you need to show this but where we had Wonder Woman to explain Themyscira here we just dropped in and got out. Maybe it would’ve been better to have had Aquaman first to explain the backstory more.


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