Last Hope Island

I received a free Kindle of Last Hope Island by Lynne Olson courtesy of Net Galley and Random House, the publisher. It was with the understanding that I would post a review to Net Galley, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and my history book review blog. I also posted it to my Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Plus pages.

I requested this book as I have read a great deal about World War II, but the description covered subjects that I had read little about. This is the first book by Lynne Olson that I have read.

The book revolves around two main themes – foreign dignitaries and commoners that spent the war in England and the resistance forces in the various countries occupied by Nazi Germany. The book is well researched and written. The book is fascinating in that it concentrates on many overlooked events in other histories of this time period.

Among the things I learned was that Polish aviators played an important role in assisting the RAF in the Battle of Britian, Audrey Hepburn’s role in the resistance and the life long effects that malnurisment and disease played in her life, the role the resistance played in the occupied countries and the politics that took place in Britain involving the foreign governments housed there during the period.

Also, based on numerous quotes I want to read more of what the authors Max Hastings and Rick Akitson wrote about World War II.

I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in World War II and in particular to those who are interested in reading something new on the subject.


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