Life lately

We’ve got snow, lots of snow. Fun watching Alder play in the snow for the first time.

Alder has been teething; he’s got six new teeth. Bottom and top back molars are in. It’s been painful for him, lots of tears, but he’s pulling through.

We’re realizing that Alder knows a lot of words. We have started asking him, “where is such and such” and he’ll point to it. Words he knows: hair, nose, ears, eyes, mouth, lips, teeth, hands, fingers, feet, toes, socks, shoes, leg, butt (he points to his hip area…close enough!), humidifier, ceiling, floor, chair, table, light, book, mommy, daddy.He has also started saying “baby.” Amazing how fast kids learn language at his age.

Teaching my favorite curriculum unit: “what is language?” Students are currently doing five minute presentations on a language they have researched over the past few weeks (so far, we’ve had Latin, Greek, Irish, and Hindi). Very impressed with their work. Also, this group is going on a weeklong ski trip up in the mountains next week. They are so excited. Apparently, it’s mandatory in the Czech Republic that, in seventh grade, all children learn how to ski. A teacher I was speaking to said skiing is seen as a survival skill and most students in Czech Republic learn to ski in school.

Got this book for Christmas and loving it. Communism through a child’s eyes. Recently joined a book club and am excited about the next book. Looks like a good one.

Love the New York Times Cooking website. Cooked this last week. Flavorful.

When Dan and I eat out these days, we usually find ourselves at Vinohradsky Pivovar, a restaurant that serves sophisticated czech food. It also brews its own beer, and it’s the best beer we’ve had in Prague. If you’re in Prague, it’s worth a visit, it’s our favorite.

Hope you’re having a great start to the New Year!




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