Lighthouse Bay 6 (Pages 176 – 266)


Isabella in 1901 acts wrong. Yet, I can understand that losing her son and being left with a family who didn’t love her has affected her this much. So when she starts looking after Xavier, she can’t help but grow fonder and fonder. The boy, who doesn’t get the same affection from his own mother, becomes attached to Isabelle, and he even starts talking to her. This is their secret, and even though deep down Isabella knows that getting too attached to this child is wrong, she can’t help herself. The boy lacks the love she is ready to give her, and she starts thinking that she and Xavier could flee to America and start a new life. Her sister doesn’t reply to her telegram, and worried about her Matthew, the lighthouse keeper, tries to find out if Victoria still lives at the same address, and he finds out that the woman has moved. She must have sent notice to Isabella in England, unaware that her sister was travelling to Australia. Now Isabella doesn’t know where she can find Victoria, but despite this snag, she still dreams about travelling to America with Xavier.

Then she does something really stupid. There is a room that Katerina, Xavier’s mother, has told her never to go into, and one day when Ernest is away, Isabella hears some voices coming from the forbidden room. Isabella thinks that the noises that the woman makes are of pleasure, and she realises that it is Katerina being unfaithful to her husband. So silly Isabella thinks that somehow exposing Katerina will set her and Xavier free. So she opens the door to find Katerina with Abel, Ernest’s best friend. Naturally, Katerina gets angry and upset, and Isabella is fired.

Upset, Isabella runs to take refuge in the lighthouse. Matthew is there, and she falls into his arms and they finally give free rein to their feelings. They make love, and from then on Isabella stays there with him. Both of them know that this is temporary and Isabella needs to find her way to her sister. Matthew promises that he will try to find out the whereabouts of her sister. The problem is that she doesn’t have money, but when Matthew tells her that he didn’t get rid of the mace. So they unbury the mace, and Isabella starts disassembling the gems from the mace and her intention is to make brooches she can sell. She needs some things, and she comes up with an idea. Abel, Katerina’s lover, goes to Brisbane regularly, so she seeks him out, and threatening to tell his wife about his love affair, she makes him buy a few things for her and try to sell the brooch she has created. So Abel gives in and returns from Brisbane with her things, and he also has good news. The jeweller he sold the brooch to wants to contact her and buy more things from her. So she is on the right path. The only thing that worries me is that Isabella intends to steal Xavier from his mother. That is not right. Katerina is not the most affectionate woman, but that doesn’t give Isabella a right to take what is not hers.

In 2011 Libby is acting foolishly and selfishly. After the offer she is really considering accepting the offer. I can understand that two million dollars is a great temptation. Yet, she keeps saying she wants to make amends with her sister, and Libby knows that Juliet is against these developers who want to change the village. I don’t like Tristan, and I think he is not reliable. We also learn why the two sisters fell out all these years ago. Juliet and Andy decided to get married when they were nineteen. The day before the wedding the couple and some friends, including Libby, went to spend the last night on the beach. Everybody drank too much, especially Libby, and in her drunk state she urged everybody to go skinny-dipping in the sea. She was the only that strip to her underwear and go into the sea, and at some point she couldn’t be seen, so Andy went after her. He managed to get her out, but then the rip current dragged her further inside, and Andy drowned. That was a turning point for the two sisters. Juliet was heartbroken and blamed her sister, and Libby couldn’t stay and bear the weight of her guilt.

So twenty years have gone by since that day. Juliet doesn’t feel comfortable having Libby around, and Libby doesn’t make much of an effort to get her comprehension and forgiveness. Things won’t improve if she goes along with her plan to sell the cottage to the developers. Silly woman.

Damien, the young man staying in the old lighthouse, has financial problems, and Libby suggests he could get a job from Juliet, who needs help renovating the kitchen. So Juliet takes him in, and since she can’t pay him much, he will stay in one of the room and get some food as well. From the first Juliet finds herself attracted to him, which she know is crazy since Damien is ten years younger, and he can’t be interested in him. Actually, Damien is going through a bad patch; the relationship with his ex-girlfriend didn’t end well as she kicked her out of their apartment and blocked the accounts so Damien cannot access them, and now he has no money.

I wonder what will happen in 1901. Percy Winterbourne, the brother who raped Isabella, is on his way to Australia, and I imagine that he will run into his sister-in-law. We know that he died in his hotel room, and I have the suspicion that his death was not as straightforward as we think. And I hope Libby starts thinking about someone else rather than herself. She needs to realise that her sister is more important than all the millions in the world. I am pretty sure that Tristan is not trustworthy, so I hope that she learns the kind of man he is before she does something stupid.

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