An enchantress of an empire of occult royalty, her very eyes oozed an alchemy of seductive gold. They called her the high priestess of amorous decoy; a sweet incantation, a flicker of her magic flame, and a thousand men plunged deep into the ocean of her alluring love game. 

      Hair as dark as the Devil’s lair, her skin glittered a mysterious shade of bronzed flare, a divine being in a hellish reign. She forgave no offenders and exuberantly deluged those mighty lovers in her embrace of enamoured grace. Once miffed, even the Lord couldn’t intervene in her path of wrath, a massacre of epic legion, a bloodbath of undefined proportion.

(Image credit : Grandin Road)

    In an old cauldron of secrets dark, she would brew a potion of imperishable love. An essence of faith she would add and stir it with a drop of dragon’s blood; brave soldiers with unwavering fidelity, an archaic recipe she would use much. A shard of broken sword melted in a concoction of pure passion, a noble man’s gentry and a teaspoon of stardust. It would simmer on gallantly through the summer nights and turn a dangerous scarlet on the eve of winter. She would eventually put a little drop of purple from a vial of bottled luck, and the haze of smoky trance would drift a thunderous distance afar. 

(Image credit : Google Images)

      Fearsome and hypnotic, hers was a beauty of prodigious league, lips of satin softness in a body of mesmeric curves. Capable of a perfect storm in a bed of roses, a space odyssey in a little cave of darkness, you are asked to tread into her heart with a word of caution. If disasters spelled in diamond dust and heartbreaks sewn in bewitching rust is your idea of epic love, then this glorious deception might just be your only chance, your regal escape to Babylon or sweet old France.

(Image credit : wallpoop)

(The title “Love Potion” has been suggested by WordPress royalty Aquibview, for which I am definitely very grateful).

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