Made by J.M. Darhower

Pages: 530

Goodreads Rating: 4.56 / 5 stars

My Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Genre: New Adult, Dark, Romantic Suspense

Publication Date: October 27th 2014

Publisher: Self published

Summary (Goodreads):

Corrado Moretti.

The world knows the notorious Kevlar Killer, but few have ever seen what lies beneath his armor. The abused child. The neglected teenager. The broken man. He always did whatever he had to do in order to survive.

It’s kill or be killed.

Throughout his life, he has been there in the shadows, a witness to everything from beginning to end. Bound by loyalty and honor, there’s only one thing he would sacrifice it all for: family.

Never get close. Never get attached. It’s a lesson that has been brutally pounded into him since childhood, but they’re words the DeMarcos make it difficult for him to follow. Through them he finds love and grieves loss, realizing the world isn’t quite as black and white as it’s made out to be.


My Review:

Review also posted on Goodreads

“The world treats me like I wronged them when really, the world wronged me. The world made me this way. And maybe they all hate me, but still, they need me. Because without villains, there wouldn’t be superheroes.”

Corrado Morretti’s story is an ABSOLUTE PERFECTION! It’s both character and plot driven as his story begins from his childhood up to adulthood. His love story, the moment he becomes a made man and earned his fame in the organized crime world as “The Kevlar Killer”. Everything was packed with moments and made this book difficult to put down. I haven’t recovered from the epilogue, especially the LAST PAGE. Gee, that one broke my heart so bad that I WEPT. I wasn’t prepared for that and I don’t have tissues to wipe my tears. I think I’ll need a comfort food later.

Corrado “The Kevlar Killer” Moretti grew up in a dysfunctional family. His mother was an abusive and alcoholic woman while his mafia father neglected him. They are truly bad at parenting as they didn’t show any affections towards him, even his sister was mean to him. At a young age, he fends for survival by being part of La Cosa Nostra. It’s been a rough journey for him to earn the name and spot in the Mafia world and he worked hard for it.


“I’ll never deserve you, I’ll never be good for you, but I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to be enough. And the simple fact that you’re letting me proves your beauty. Because your beauty, Celia, is more than skin deep. As beautiful as you are on the outside — and you are — it’s what’s beneath it that’s the most beautiful of all.”

Though majority of this book is filled with mafia related stuff. We also get a glimpse of his love life. Believe it or not, as hot as Corrado is and women throw themselves at him. Celia DeMarco is the only woman who captivated him. YEP. Kevlar Killer never dated a woman in his life. They met in their childhood years and she’s the daughter of his boss, Antonio DeMarco. As a ruthless Hitman, he’s stern and cold-hearted but something warms him in Celia’s presence. This sassy, gorgeous and fierce woman made him feel. She taught him how to live a little and love passionately. She sees him. Both good and bad. She was his light and promised she’ll be his first and last woman he’ll ever love. I love everything about their story. It’s heartwarming, romantic and deep.

You see, Corrado isn’t really a bad guy. He’s a man with honor. Complex, mysterious loyal, protective and has a good sense of judgment. He kills people as ordered and he also kills people who truly deserved death. He’s a man who’s not afraid of death.

Overall, Made is just amazing and beautifully written. I highly recommend it to Mafia Romance lovers. It’s preferable to read Sempre and Sempre: Redemption first because the epilogue contains spoilers for these two books. Hands down again for J.M. Darhower! This book deserves 5 stars and if possible, even more than that.

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