Me Before You Pre Screening Review

Tuesday May 31st, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a pre screening of Me Before You. I won a pair of tickets through another blogs giveaway and I took my MIL. She was so excited, just as I was.

Prior to the movies eminent release, in theaters today, I read the book as quickly as possible. I left a review up for the book here, and I did enjoy it. It’s not the usual read I pick up but man was it funny, and touching and so incredibly human. Yes, I cried, but it was a good cry (not like when Dumbledor died).

The movie, to my pleasure, kept to the book where it counted. As always a lot had to be removed or over looked simply to keep to its time line. The directors and writers did keep to the spirit of the characters and that’s really what mattered most. I felt that Patrick, Lou’s boyfriend of seven years, was portrayed perfectly by Mathew Lewis. He was a spitting image of what I’d imaged him to look like. Sam Claflin really makes everyone fall in love with Will, his character just melts you into his lap, plus he is handsome. Emilia Clarke did a wonderful job bringing Luisa Clark to the screen, so alive and quirky, so lovely. My mother in law just loved her, and her expressive eyebrows!

Theater 17 at the Regal South Beach cinema was packed, and everyone was given a box of tissues. It was a good movie, a great story of love and understanding and overall I’d love to have it on DVD one day because it was to touching. I am hopeful the books sequel
After You can give me more, but I know even now it won’t be anything like Me Before You, and in it’s own right that’s okay.

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