Mediacom – Seriously?

I’ve been  a subscriber of Mediacom for over a decade, (only because there was not a viable alternative in my area in SW Missouri). Well, here’s the low down. After all that time – And in my opinion, the techs there are trying their best to keep everything working and afloat. The management, on the other hand, are a group crooks, losers and hairballs who would have a hard time maneuvering a shopping cart in an empty store!

I don’t say this because I’ve had only a little history with them, I say this because I’ve had tons of history with what I consider a perfect example of Left Wing gross failure that is still infecting my world. (More on that later….) Above, is a tiny portion of ping data that I’ve collected over the past few years. This information will likely be forwarded to the FCC in the form of a complaint. I don’t this to hammer any communication company, per sae. I do it, as the life of a Republic is at stake… My advice to Mediacom… go back to selling used cars.

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