Hello Family, Friends and Foes, how are we all? I know we all are fine and kicking as my dad would regularly say. To God be the praise and thumbs up. I’ll be talking about an important topic today, one which I’d be glad if you made use of the comment box after reading to share your own views to enlighten more about, cause I can’t say it all, I’ll be brief and straight to point as possible, Remember, Always finish what you start.
Wondering why I’m coming to you from a different web site today right? Yes I am if you are thinking of checking, I was advised by my Mentor to stop using my former web host which was Blogger and make do with this WordPress, and sincerely speaking I can’t thank him enough, WordPress is so easy and fun to use, not that Blogger wasn’t fun, it was and still is, but using WordPress gives you that professional touch you desire and easy control of your company.
Was in a conversation with an Acquaintance over the week, an awesome vocalist and singer whom I personally think will take the world by storm soonest, in my inquisitive nature I asked her who her mentors were, and her reply made me think and ponder, she said
“My mentors are my mum, my dad and my siblings” – Wrong Statement.
I couldn’t say a word after her reply cause I was dumbfounded.
Personally I have a Mentor or two for each hobby or skill I pick up on the way of life, let’s see who a mentor is, and what mentorship is all about so we get balanced,
*mentorship : 1. the guidance provided by a mentor, especially an experienced person in a company or educational institution.
*mentor : 1. an experienced and trusted adviser.
1. to advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague).
Mentor : (Greek mythology) Odysseus’s trusted counselor. He was assigned the responsibility to raise Odysseus’s son Telemachus, whileOdysseus was away fighting in Troy
Clearly you can’t aim to be a great singer and have mentorship from your dad who’s a business man, or aim to be the greatest Doctor and have mentoring from your mum who’s a business woman. No, it doesn’t work like that, personally I feel people confuse the two words “Mentor” and “Role-Model”, a lot of confusion between them, but that’s a topic or thought for some other time.
Another mistake made by people is taking mentors who don’t know about their existence, a mentor should know you in person as in he/she should know your name, have your phone contact and talk with you at least twice a week, when I was younger I took a man named Don Moen as a mentor, funny I know, or my doctor friends who had Dr. Ben Carson as their mentor, so wrong, but what did we care, it‘s better to have no mentor than choose one who doesn’t know you.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not also saying you can’t have your dad or mum or even siblings be your mentor,No, I’m far from that, if they are experienced in your skill of endeavor, why not they’d be the best of mentors, cause you’ll learn a lot since they are people you see every day.
In my case, cause my mentor had used both Blogger and WordPress, he had to advise I use WordPress, and on trying it, it proved him wright, that wouldn’t be my case if I had no mentor whose into Blogging or who’s more experienced than I am in blogging.
Papa. David Ibeyeomei of Salvation Ministries will always tell you Papa David Oyedepo of Living Faith Worldwide is his Mentor, they are on same field, Papa Ibeyeomei always visits Papa Oyedepo for counselling. That’s how Mentoring and Mentorship works.
In the bible Prophet Samuel was giving by his parents to Prophet Eli for mentoring,
Choosing a wrong person as a mentor is worse than somwho doesn’t having a mentor.
Find the wright Mentors today and suck from their experience and knowledge.
Remember to be a blessing to that Mentor also, not only receiving, give to that mentor as well, don’t be a parasitic element else he/she will get tired of you too early or may not give you the full privilege of being mentored.
Goodluck as you find a Mentor and also as you choose to Mentor someone today. Thanks for sharing my thoughts with me, I pray for God’s blessings on you and yours as you pick a mentor.
Please make use of the comment box below and share with Family, Friends and Foes alike, until next time Remember God is Love and Love is Key