Monday Monday

How could I forget it was Monday? Had a brain fart, today is ……. DUH?

Monday’s have a bad wrap. It’s just cause it follows two unwork related relaxing days, then BOOM need to switch gears, back to work.

Monday’s are not so bad. It’d be better if it was a payday, but hey, beggars can’t be choosey. Payday will be here when it gets here. But yeah Monday, Monday….


Its not so bad. Its not bad if you’re alive and well; doing the best you do. Life could be worst…. you could be sick or dead or deadsick whatever…..just have to count your blessings.

There is no point not liking Mondays, waste of energy really because regardless, it happens. No changing it. No fixing it. It comes and it goes you just have to deal with it. Such is life, yes. We should be blessed to be doing it again and again in a healthy way.

Suck it up buttercup; lets do this.  ❤



Be Blessed (\O/)

Malama pono



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