I am focused on me. I am strong. I love and am loved dearly. I am blessed. I live in success. I have 幸せ (happiness)~
I am grateful for the sleep I had today~
I am grateful for the weather to be not rainy when I first went out. Okie, it started pouring later on, but that’s another story…
I am grateful for the pleasant session with my supervisor
I am grateful for having had lunch before I went out so that I wasn’t too hungry >.< Lazy/silly me didn’t make my own lunch so I brought a canned soup, but no can opener to be found in office!
I am grateful for the support from others
I am grateful for the fun times with friends
I am grateful for the great shift at work
Dear Lord:
I pray that next week, I’ll start to get inquiries!
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen
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