My Heart Belongs in the Superstition Mountains: Carmela’s Quandary – by Susan Page Davis

My Heart Belongs in the Superstition Mountains: Carmela’s Quandary, written by Susan Page Davis, is a stand alone book in the My Heart Belongs series. The story takes place in the mid 1800’s in the Arizona territory.

As a young girl, Carmela Wade was traveling with her family in a wagon train when many of them got sick and died. Carmela was left an orphan. Her uncle becomes her guardian and forces her to travel around telling stories of being a survivor of an Indian kidnapping. He uncle makes her study up on Indian history to make her story more realistic. He also uses ink to put an Indian marking on her face. When Carmela does not want to do this anymore, her uncle tells her she has to. She has to do it to make the money he father supposedly owed her uncle before he died.

One day Carmela and her uncle are traveling to another city on a stagecoach when the stage is attacked. Carmela, US Marshal Freeland McKay and his prisoner are taken off the stage. Her uncle is injured and is taken with the stagecoach along with the money it is carrying. McKay is knocked out and his handcuffed prisoner forces Carmela to unlock the cuffs. The prisoner then cuffs Carmela to McKay. They are left to walk to the nearest stagecoach station to get help.

This is a quick read story to curl up with on a lazy day. It is a historical Christian romance story but it also has a lot of mystery. I admire the strength Carmela has to finally stand up to her uncle and put a stop to the lies. She also tries to help a young girl who actually was taken by the Indians and returned. Carmela is so sorry for the life she and her uncle have been living, she announces in church the wrongs they have done. This is a nice story with the theme of forgiveness at the end.

I think anyone who enjoys reading historical fiction, especially those with romance and suspense will enjoy this book.

“I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.”

Series: My Heart Belongs

256 pages


Publisher: Barbour Publishing

You can learn more about the author and books she has published at:

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