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Le Destin De Merry Lane (2012)

by Tessa Dare(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 2
229005691X (ISBN13: 9782290056912)
J'ai Lu
Stud Club
review 1: It's was pure agony to get through the books but yes I did complete it. I always read in odder if it is a series but this book made me want skip to the third book...it was that bad...the book didn't feel like it was part of the stud club series. The first book was like a dream come true and this, I started with a lot of anticipation but ended up getting disappointed.Lets hope the third book is worth while.
review 2: I am a big fan of Ms. Dares work and normally I rate her books with five stars. This is the second book in the series and while the book was good I don't feel it was as good as her previous work. I enjoyed the first book in the series and found myself swept away with both the time period and the characters. When I learned this book was about Rhys St
... more. Maur I was so excited. Having been introduced in the first book I was fully aware of the possibilities. Anytime a writer centers a book around a dark foreboding character you know the journey will be about uncovering his tortured past and the redemption in the end usually in the loving arms of the heroine. I loved his character and was not disappointed in how Ms. Dare led me through his life. However I was disappointed in the heroine. While Meredith is a strong woman who has pined for Rhys since childhood I didn't feel as if her character was developed enough for me to actually route for her. I understand in that time era it was common for a widow to take lovers, for me it just pulled away from the sympathy I would have had for her. Most historical romances give you the rogue and the virgin. Occasionally you get the widow but she has remained chaste after the death of her husband. In this case it would have made more sense to the love story had this been the case with Meredith. She married a man older than her father when she was young in order to preserve her ability to care for her crippled father. When he died she would take on occasional lovers who visited her inn. I'm not a prude, I do enjoy a good erotica but for me I would have liked to have seen this story done from a different direction. I also felt the last part of it was rushed, the climax not suspenseful enough and in the end just a little disappointed. Still in all it was a good book for Ryhs character alone and a necessary read if you are to read the next in the series.. less
Reviews (see all)
At 75% and I can't do it anymore. I hate wasting my time. Both MCs were just... the worst.
Quick and easy read, although it was very predictable.
Better than the first book in the series.
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