My Top Ten Books of 2017 Part 1

Today and tomorrow you’re going to get my Top Ten books of 2017. Some I have reviewed here before, some I haven’t. But these are the ones that affected me the most, I liked the most, or there was just something about them. They are mostly in no particular order, generally, because it was hard for me to decide what order they go in. They also may have been published before 2017, but I read them in 2017. And it’s hard to limit my list to just 10.

I’m Sawree

B. B. Blaque has written some truly strange, fucked up, mind fuck books. I’m Sawree is pretty much the mind fuck of the century. I had to message B. B. Blaque when I was done reading it because really, I wanted to know what the fuck she had just done to me. I’m not saying anything about the plot of Sawree, and my blog post doesn’t either. Basically, my blog post was a picture of fluffy kitties, which is what you need when you read this book.

The Day She Cried

I have mad K Webster love.  Mad love like I buy everything I can and then read it immediately. Of course, I’m always sad when I’m done reading her books because I’m done. TDSC gave me all the feelz while I was reading it. I’m reasonably sure that I died at some point, but I was able to come back. The basic story is that Courtney and Raven were texting back and forth, with Raven thinking that Courtney was a boy. Courtney’s nasty-ass friend sent information to Raven that mocked her and she committed suicide. Courtney was tried and sued for her part in it. Rowe is Raven’s twin and he’s bound and determined to get back at Courtney. The entire thing is just beautiful and tragic and so, so, so real. K said that this was a really personal story, and you can tell with every word. Make sure that you have a box of tissues sitting next to you when you read this one.

Whispers and the Roars

This is another K Webster book. It is, hands down, the very best love story that I have ever read. I won’t give any details on it, because this is another one that if you read the reviews, you are going to have more information about the story than you want to have. You have to go into this with an open mind and another box of tissues. Told you that I have the mad K Webster love, right?

Sick Fux

This is a book by Tillie Cole. It’s making its rounds through the various dark reading groups I belong to. The days after it came out there were a lot of us talking about it. There are very good reasons for that. This is a really, truly fucked up story. But, there is also a beauty to it and a lightness. The love between Ellis and Heathen is just… Yeah, I don’t know. If you like Alice in Wonderland, you may have some issues with this one, but it’s one that stayed with me for days afterward. Just as a warning, there are some disturbing subject matters and some serious trigger warnings for abuse of children. If that is an issue for you, please read responsibly.

Life of Anna

Marissa Honeycutt’s serialized book LoA is one that you are just about required to read if you read in the dark thriller/erotica/romance genre, especially if you read Indie authors. Most of the people I know who read that genre have read it, and many of us use it as the ruler to measure all other darkness against. It spans several years and some of the absolute worst things that can ever happen to a person. It gets pitch-black in places. It gets darker than pitch-black in places, if you can actually do that. But, it also stays with you. I dreamt about this book. I had to take a break for a couple of days from it. I read the complete series compendium, so I got it all at once. During that couple day break, I read some much lighter stories, and I dreamt of Alex, Anna, and Devin. There aren’t enough trigger warnings for this one, but there also aren’t enough ways for me to tell you about how good it is.

Alright, here are 5 of my Top Ten books of 2017. Remember, they may not have been published in 2017, that’s just when I read them. Although, I think most of these were published this year. Tune in tomorrow for the other 5.

Here’s a pretty picture I found yesterday while looking for something for Rapunzel.

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