Necromancer MIA :(

Since its release in 2012, Diablo 3 has always been a game I’ve liked to come back to.  Hacking and slashing my way through the demons of hell has always been satisfying.  Recently however, my friends and I were talking in party chat and Diablo 3 came up.  Where’s all the new content?  It’s clear to us that Overwatch and World of Warcraft are Blizzards babies.  Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone are still there, updates coming out.  Diablo 3 is the black sheep in the herd.  It’s a totally different beast from when it first launched.  My fondest memory was finally beating it on Inferno, it felt like such an accomplishment.  I mean, the downside was that I had to buy my weapons and armor off the auction house to progress (I never used actual money, which sucked even more).  With Reaper of Souls it finally became the Diablo I loved.  All that loot and xp flowing in.  It became a bit too easy, none the less it was a blast.  Now it’s 2017 and there’s nothing substantial to look forward to.  The community is left in the dark.  At Blizzcon last year, they announced the Necromancer….. and that’s it.  We got that cool Diablo 1 re-imagining but once I unlocked the Butcher pet that was it for me.  I love that they are continually updating the game despite no subscription fee.  It’s great to have seasons to come back to and unlock stuff but I want something more substantial.  The Necromancer is a great way to get players back into the game but it’ll only hold for so long.  Just give us a glimpse of what is on the horizon!  The only things we know about it is the same things we’ve known for months (which you can check out here if you haven’t ).  Who knows, maybe they aren’t announcing anything because the next big thing will be Diablo 4.  I know, it’s wishful thinking.

I guess we just have to put our faith in Blizzard.  I’m dying to get back into some major monster killing but I don’t think I can run another rift as the classes we have right now.  I honestly think I’ve put in well over 1000 hours into this game.  I know that’s small compared to other players but with two kids and a wife I feel like that’s a crazy amount.  I just wish, like the community, that things weren’t left in the dark.  It’s not even tantalizing, it doesn’t make me want to play the game anymore, I have no idea what to look forward to.  When you make announcements and keep them coming it builds excitement.  It’s one character coming out.  This glacial pace of announcements for it is brutal.  When Stormblood was announced for Final Fantasy 14 it brought people back just because they were hyped for the next installment.  They announced a bunch of stuff at three different fan festivals, constantly building hype and speculation along the way.  It makes you want to play more (well me anyways.  A good hype train always gets me fired up and ready to play).  Tell us Necromancer is coming out in June and I’ll start prepping!  Tell me the Druid is coming out in October and I’ll dive back in right now and know that something fresh is on the way.  The hype train is currently stopped at the station, come on Blizzard lets get that hype train a chugging…..  Choo choooooo………….. I need to get out more. – NVJ

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