Newest Beginning

As most of you readers (newest, and you’re wonderful for reading my first post to this site btw!) may know my boyfriend of some time became my fiance not too long ago. His name is Nathaniel Lee Vanderpool. Go ahead and do a background check if you’re like my Uncle Buck (I don’t have one, but his name is Uncle John, or Matthias, or Ed, or countless other wonderful men in my life that care deeply for me and my soul).

We hate this wedding.

Weird to see that about the “happy couple” isn’t it.

Do NOT get me wrong – we are happy.

But “the happy couple” doesn’t exist.

White picket fence, 1.5 dog(s) or whatever, and two kids… that’s all a scam.

Your dream is probably a scam too.

One of my latest favorite quotes (ew, weird sentence) is this:

“Satan’s target is your mind and his weapon is lies, fill your mind with God’s word.”


I feel like I have lost 5 of my best friends.

Go ahead to try and figure out which. Message me if you think it is you. I’d love to patch things up. Because just as well, as many of you may know, I do not like “bad blood”. It leaves me feeling like I’m on a constant edge of this world.

I hate that feeling.

I hate feeling like I have no friends.

This “wedding season” of mine has been attacking my heart, soul and brain. Even my body.

I have put too much pressure on myself to be a “perfect” Christian. Whatever the hell that could mean.

I want to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, but I AM HUMAN. We all live in this fallen world. Satan roams amongst us all.

He (the King) is the real I AM. He is ruler over all. I wish he would govern my mind at all times, but that is not the truth of my reality. The devil has gotten a hold of me more than I would like to admit. I hate admitting to being defeated…but the thing is the Lord is King over MY heart. So I have NOT been defeated – nor will I ever be!


Here are my Truths:

I do have friends.

I will see this wedding to completion.

Nathaniel will not abandon me at the alter.

We will live through marital struggles and will see to the other side.

We have God on our side FOREVER.

For as long as I live on this condemned planet, I will praise and love THEE.

He is filled with grace, commitment, and love for us all. He is merciful. (af)

Praise God for blog posts and friends that love you no matter what.


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