Jim Pike works as an assistant manager at a Houston Hotel after completing a tour in Afghanistan that left him aching and empty–devoid of all joy and enjoyment in the human race. He floats through his job almost, ironically, zombie-like…that is, until a hoard of Star Trek fans descend on his workplace for a fan convention. With his sister being one of them, Pike suddenly finds himself having to choose between his well-accustomed apathy and a fight for survival.
Night of the Living Trekkies by Kevin David Anderson and Sam Stall★
Genre: Horror/Satire
Release Date: August 2010
Source: BookCon2016 – Bought
On My Shelf: No
Ughh ughhhh ughhhhhh allow me to sum up how this book made me feel by using half a dozen different eye rolls.
I really was not a fan of this story. Sure, it had a few moments that I really liked, but they were just moments, and they were so far and in between. I felt like a zombie while reading this. The plot, although incredibly promising, never came together for me and left me in a zombie state of reading. I never found myself wanting to pick this up and found that it was a chore to finish.
The writing was half the problem. This was written in such a play-by-play, absolutely-no-urgency way which left me feeling so unsatisfied and, if you will, apathetic. I just didn’t care about anything that was happening. The writing was not engaging, the dialogue was awkward, and the plot felt like it kept falling into holes it couldn’t dig itself out of. Either too much was trying to happen or nothing was happening at all.
The same can be said for the characters. They were bland, uninteresting, and not much different from the brainless zombies roaming around. I wish I could say that this story had some kind of saving grace for me, but even the references and science fiction aspect weren’t doing anything for me. Everything was strange and not in a good way.
Overall, this wasn’t a book that I found I could get into, and I don’t recommend this one. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time with this.
If you aren’t convinced and still want you own copy, Get Yours from Book Depository Here – $10.15
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