Pretty Fierce Blog Tour (Guest Post and Giveaway)

For today’s post, I am doing something a little different! A few months back I received an ARC of Kieran Scott’s new book, Pretty Fierce, to review and let me tell you… this book is insane. Insanely amazing. I could describe what the book is about, but honestly Scott and Sourcebooks just does it so much better, so here is the official synopsis of the book:

“Kaia has been on the run her whole life. The daughter of professional assassins, she knows danger—and she’ll do anything to survive. After her parents vanished during a job gone bad, Kaia’s spent the last year in hiding, trying to blend in as an ordinary teenager, and there’s no one who makes her feel more normal, more special, than her boyfriend, Oliver. But when she’s attacked by someone from her mother’s past and Oliver catches her fighting back, Kaia’s secret is exposed. In a split-second decision, she flees the small town, taking Oliver with her. Stalked at every turn, Oliver and Kaia must protect each other…or die trying.”

When I first read the description I knew this book would be wild ride, and I definitely was not wrong. It is the definition of a total page turner and I finished the book in one sitting as there was really no slow points or plot filler sections. If you want to read my personal full spoiler-free review, you can check it out on my Goodreads here. More importantly, keep reading this post to see what author Kieran Scott has to say about the development of Pretty Fierce and her inspirations behind the character of Kaia.

Guest Post by Kieran Scott

One of my favorite things about writing PRETTY FIERCE was trying to figure out what Kaia would do next. I don’t consider myself to be particularly brave—except for the fact that I don’t mind public speaking which is one of those things that keeps people awake at night. But I imagine that if I were ever in a situation like Kaia is in—being pursued by bad guys, hunted down at every turn, forced to try to protect the man I loved—I’d probably end up a ball of blubbering mush in a corner. So when I was writing her, I would try to imagine the exact opposite of what I would do in a given situation, and then write that. More often than not, it ended up being the thing that I wish I would have the guts to do, but really just couldn’t imagine myself doing. And that’s what I think makes a great kick-butt heroine—someone who allows us to see the possibilities of what we could do—what we could be—if we could find that deep well of courage within ourselves.

Here is one of my favorite kick-butt heroines:

Sarah Connor – The Terminator

One of the very first action movies I saw as a kid was The Terminator, so Sarah Connor left a huge impression on me. Here was this woman who is leading a perfectly ordinary life and suddenly gets attacked by a crazed, indestructible robot, saved by a hottie in leather, and told that the entire future of the world depends upon her staying alive and one day giving birth to the boy who is going to save us all. Understandably, she initially loses it, but gradually she rises to the occasion and becomes the baddest, fiercest, strongest female I had ever seen on a movie screen (well, TV screen in my case), and all, really, to save the life of a baby she hadn’t even thought about conceiving (okay and also the world). Pretty awesome.

 KIERAN SCOTT is the author of several acclaimed young adult novels, including the Non-Blonde Cheerleader trilogy, the He’s So/She’s So trilogy, and Geek Magnet. She also wrote the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Private and Privilege series under the pen name Kate Brian. She is a senior editor at Disney/Hyperion and resides in New Jersey with her family. Visit

If you’re interested on getting your hands on a copy of this kick ass book, enter the giveaway below!

Win a copy of Pretty Fierce (US only)

Pretty Fierce hits shelves tomorrow, April 4th.


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