
You turn my hurt into the first breath of my worship. Beauty out of the ashes. Made a future out of my past.

Those words are the opening lyrics to a song I recently heard by up and coming Christian artist Hannah Kerr! I was first introduced to her music as a STAR 93.3 staff member listening to a live performance!!

Hannah singing live!

From the moment I heard Hannah’s song Radiate, I was immediately encouraged and recognized how this song could be the theme of this blog. I want to take this opportunity to write about how God is using this song to speak to my heart and soul.

Part of God’s story in my life is the darkness. For me, the most profound moments of unhindered praise to God were in times of hurt and ashes. What I love most about this song is the recognition of tough times AND God’s power to overcome them all! At the very beginning, it’s established that God wants to work our pain into worship and beauty (see lyrics at the beginning).

Your love is stronger than the moments of my weakness. You meet me right where I am. 

As the song continues, we see the love of our Father in Heaven displayed with this word picture of Him almost stooping down to hold us. He meets us right where we are!

You turn the scars that I see into a masterpiece. Lord, let my story be a glimpse of Your glory.

Here’s the prayer of my heart! That my story would radiate the glory of God! It’s so humbling to think that He actually has been doing it. Sometimes, all I see when I look back are scars of past hurts and mistakes, yet God sees a masterpiece in the making. The Bible calls us His workmanship (Ephesians 2). We are clay in the hands of the master potter and the stumbling molds us as we turn to Christ!

‘Cause in the dark Your light shines brighter

The light of God penetrates the darkness and makes the heartaches seem minute in comparison to the glory of God. His glory is the light that shines! It radiates from His being, into human hearts, minds and souls.

No matter what comes my way I’ll let my life, radiate Your light. Now always I’ll let my lips speak, only for Your name. In the good, in the bad, in the mistakes no darkness gonna stand in my way. If my way, is Your way then You’ll make me radiate

The verses of this song seem to focus on what God is doing in the life of a person; putting emphasis on how God works. However, the chorus speaks to our response to ALL that God has done! When I look back to see how faithfully God has worked, my response should be worship and surrender. From where I sit, the chorus rings with determination to seek God’s will and make Him famous!

So, as you choose music to listen to in any given day, consider listening to Hannah Kerr’s song Radiate (her other songs are fantastic as well)! God has given her a unique position as a vessel of Christian music in this world and I believe God has much more in store for her! Finally, pray for the ministry God has placed before Hannah – for God to keep blessing her voice and music with the Spirit’s power to turn people to Him!

Follow Hannah on the various social media platforms. She’s on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Spotify!

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