Reading between the lines

We pay immediate attention to our major  organs like heart, stomach, lungs, etc especially when we have symptoms like pain, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough indicating the presence of some disease. But most of us ignore the signs given by the largest organ in the human body – our skin.

I see a lot of patients who want to get rid of the pigmentation on the back of the neck or under arms. They attribute it to either jewelery like gold chains that they wear or the deodorants that they apply. Some even think it is dirt that has accumulated over time. What most don’t realise that this is your skin trying to warn you about the onset of diabetes and other systemic illnesses.

This blackish, velvety pigmentation is called as ‘acanthosis nigricans’. Most of the patients with this condition are on the heavier side, have a very hectic schedule, have irregular eating habits, undertake no physical exercise, suffer from work stress, sleeping disorders, irregular periods, etc. And another common factor is junk food.

When we eat a carbohydrate rich diet, insulin is secreted to take away the excess sugar  from the blood. If we eat too much junk food, which is laden with carbs and fats, more insulin is required to clear the sugar. After a while the body gets used to these high levels of insulin and more & more insulin is required to do the same work. This is called as Insulin Resistance. Eventually body cannot make those high amounts of insulin and the blood sugar levels increase. The person gets diabetes.

When insulin is released in more than normal amounts it makes the skin folds like nape of neck, underarm. Inner thighs and groins look darker, thicker and more velvety. This is, thus, an early sign of the approaching diabetes.

The alarming fact is that many children tend to have acanthosis nigricans. This can be attributed to the regular intake of chips, colas, burgers, pizzas, chocolates, etc. and omission of salads and vegetables. If the diet is not controlled, these kids will have diabetes at a very early age.

Therefore, if any of you feel that your neck or underarms look darker, heed the warning and improve your diet and exercise regularly.

Avoid sweets, packaged foods, refined flour (maida), juices, soft drinks, potatoes, chocolates and other forms of sugars. Decrease rice intake. Eat more salads, vegetables and fruits. Increase protein intake.

Exercise on a regularly basis.

Lightening creams, chemical peels, moisturisers are known to lighten the colour to some extent. Oral anti diabetic medicines also help in reducing the colour by normalising the insulin and sugar levels. But, pigmentation will reappear if the weigh loss and diet correction does not happen.

Many online self help posts advise lemon, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, ubtans, different oils, various methods of cleaning the affected area to remove  this pigmentation within a few days. Believe me, none of these work efficiently. They might irritate the skin if done wrongly and thus aggravate the problem. So don’t try these short-cuts.

Meet your Doctor immediately. Do a series of blood tests which can find the blood sugar and insulin levels and other metabolic parameters of your body. Make a diet and exercise plan and follow it.

I hope this article makes you aware of one of the most important yet simple warning signals that your body is trying to give you and that you start paying heed to it.

Until next time…
Take care, be good.

Dr Sonali,

For queries and appointments:
Dr Sonali’s Skin, Hair & Cosmetology Clinic, Goregaon West, Mumbai.
11am – 1.30pm & 5.30pm – 8.30pm Mon- Sat
Call for appt: 02228714176

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