Reconnected, Vegas & Tiësto

I recently took a trip to Las Vegas (if you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen snippets of my trip). Vegas has been on my bucket list for years. I have booked hotels a couple times and never gotten down there for various reasons. Work came up. Babies. Weddings. There was always something more important than a trip. But I finally got down there! FINALLY! It met every expectation and blew my mind on others.

My bucket list had a few Vegas exclusive things on it. The Bellagio foundation. I have always wanted to stand there and feel the mist, just like in Oceans 11. I know total fan girl moment. But I saw it and it was beautiful, majestic.


Was so wrapped up with the fountain, I forgot to take a picture. But across the street is this beauty!

I always wanted to see what I was missing in the night club scene. My husband is always telling me how ‘little’ the clubs here at home were/are. So I wanted to see what I was missing. I wasn’t missing much but the class of the nightclub we went to was upscale and I felt right at home. Which is weird because … haha I am anything but ‘upscale’.


Party people!

Next on the list is a pool party, I have never been to a pool party. EVER! We don’t have the backyard or even outdoor community pools here so never been to one. OK let me just say, nothing will EVER top this pool party. The Sunshine, great vibes and Tiesto! Yes, you read that correctly Tiesto was the DJ! I LOVE this man’s work, his vibes, and damn he can throw a party! So that was amazing. Such an understatement.

I wanted to experience crowds in the Vegas volume. Sit in the MGM arena. And finally, I got to travel with my best friend. It’s only been YEARS!

We did so much more. But I feel it would just be bragging if I kept going.

Yes, of course, I missed my kids and my husband. But I think it’s good to miss people. You have to leave them to miss them. When my husband travels for work, he sails the ocean blue, and I feel we have a stronger relationship because he goes away and why we have last as long as we have. I’m a restless person, time away makes the heart grow fonder.


It’s so bright in Vegas! 


So if travelling every now and then without my family makes me a better Mum and wife, I’m game. Being away allows me to appreciate them, miss them. But it also allows me to find myself. What am I capable of? What adventures do I get to go on? I get to put myself first. Sure, this sounds a bit selfish, and I suppose it is. However, sometimes you need to be. This was the first time in 3 an half years that I didn’t have to be a wife or a Mum. For 5 days it was just about me! What I wanted to do. Drink coffee while it was still hot! That was a real treat. Dance for 5 hours to music that was NOT suitable for children. Sleep without being woken up by tiny little people jumping on me. My vacation was a huge reset button.

I had a spectacular time. Truly.

Laying by the pool for hours. Walking without anyone telling me they were tired and making me carry them.


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Vegas showed me what I was capable of and it was more than I thought.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is, time away is good. You don’t have to go on an international vacation but take the time to reconnect with you! Sometimes you need to be a little bit selfish, sometimes you need to put you first. You can’t pour from an empty cup!


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