REVIEW: Hot Head by Damon Suede

Re-read 9th June 2017

Enjoyed it though it read slower than I remember.

This is going straight into my faves for this year.

What a story… It had humor, heart, loyalty, passion and the chemistry between the MCs was crazy hot.

It is a bit slow paced(especially in the beginning) and slow burn-ish but was so worth it because when they finally got together together?! Hot damn! There were Fire works I tells ya!

Griff and Dante were meant for each other and it came across so clearly. Their friendship was so refreshing to read about without any unnecessary drama and just good old communication and affection. Usually , crazy jealous lovers in books [and real life if I may add] annoy me to no end but it was so endearing and funny to see it coming from Dante….

The author has a way with words that just seeped into me throughout the story.For instance, the way he described that first kiss? Exceptional. Ranks among the best I’ve read…

I think … no …no …. I KNOW I will be reading more books from you Mr. Suede.

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