Review: Hunter’s End: Book III of the Moon Forged

Title: Hunter’s End: Book III of the Moon Forged
Series: Moon Forged Trilogy
AuthorsAj Downey & Ryan Kells

Genre: werewolf paranormal romance

Blurb: The war was over, but the nightmare of it lingered. It would pale in comparison to the nightmare that was about to begin. At first, Evan Jennings thought it was a dream, locked in a cage with a beautiful woman, but then the maniac in black showed up. It was obvious he wanted something from the girl, but what did he want with Evan?

Macy had been a lone wolf for a long time. Never really fitting in when it came to any pack structure, she’d spent most of her life blending with the human population. Her knack for choosing when to shift rather than having it dictated by the phases of the moon made it easy for her until Matthew showed up.

How was she supposed to know that Matthew was actually The Hangman, Mathias Young? Now she was here, locked in a cage with a hapless human male who had no idea what the real monsters looked like, or that she was one of them.


Huh, A.J. threw in a place you would recognize if read any of A.J.’s other titles. The Moon Child Owl Rescue is from Hunter’s Choice as far as I can tell. This is my first time reading this series & the other co-author.

It’s pretty good, I didn’t quite understand the whole thing about the Remus being a Omega & shunned I’m guessing it’s all in earlier books. The whole climax to the big battle I was worried we weren’t going to see anything big when it was getting closer to the end. I liked that Remus became more understanding & not so ridged in the end.

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