Review: Jim Butcher – Side Jobs

In 2016, I read the fifteen books that currently form the Dresden Files. I was an immediate fan and read them at a pace I hadn’t achieved before. I found out there was a bundle of short stories called Side Jobs, added it to my list and never really got to reading it. I guess I procrastinated. Most of the stories take place between books ten and thirteen. As I had read further than that, it wasn’t always my first priority. But as the news came this month that Jim Butcher will release a second short story collection in June, I thought it was the perfect time to read this one. Here’s my review!

For each of the stories in this bundle, Jim Butcher provides an introduction explaining where the ideas from the story came from. This was a cool extra! Side Jobs also contains the first chronological story in the Dresden Files, where Harry is still an assistant to a private investigator instead of a professional wizard. You heard me! The protagonist of this series is a professional wizard. That alone is reason enough for you to pick up this book or Storm Front right now!

I immediately remembered why I am a fan of the series. Butcher can build characters so that in one story you dislike them, while in the other they show you they too have a heart. There’s a lot of action in each story, mixed with sometimes dark and sometimes silly humour. I absolutely love it!

“I let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me: It was a battle cry.” – Harry Dresden

Side Jobs is a great collection. If you’re a fan of the series, you will certainly like this book. Some of the short stories in this book reveal certain things you will not get out of the series. Extra background on certain characters. It was everything I wanted it to be. I rate this book  stars. If you haven’t read it yet, go and get it! Or read the first 10 books of the series first. You’ll love it!

Have you read Side Jobs? Or any other book of the Dresden Files? What’s your opinion on them? Let me know by leaving a comment!

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