REVIEW: Sandy Wexler (2017)

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The following is a review of Sandy Wexler – Directed by Steven Brill

Sandy Wexler tells the story about a fictional 1990s talent manager (played by Adam Sandler) with a heart of gold, who constantly kept putting his foot in his mouth. But his luck suddenly changed when he learned of the unique singing ability and talent of Courtney Clarke (played by Jennifer Hudson), who quickly got a record deal because of him.

But his keen eye for talent once again was not matched by his managerial guidance, and soon the one client that had stolen his heart was slipping out of his hands and into a cold industry that didn’t want to recognize Sandy, who had to finally learn that there is more to being a manager than loyalty, love, and support.

Sandy Wexler feels like an inside joke, and it is therefore maybe a film Sandler could only make with a hands-off streaming giant like Netflix, which is willing and able to give filmmakers the creative freedom they long for.

I’ve heard that Sandler based the Sandy Wexler-character on his own manager, and if that is the case, then it definitely shows. It feels like he’s doing an impression that he and his friends, or colleagues, know all too well and enjoy.

But that isn’t bad, though. Because you definitely feel the love that Sandler has for this character. Wexler is an incredibly likable character, even when he’s just acting like a yes-man or lying through his teeth.

Although the voice Sandler gave him was a bit too much, I actually enjoyed watching this likable guy go all out for his clients. It’s just too bad that the film outstays its welcome. 131 minutes is just too much for this film, even if it didn’t really bore me.

And I did laugh a couple of times. It is not completely unfunny – unlike the other two Netflix-Sandler films. That said, some of the jokes just really don’t go over well. There’s also a Rob Schneider character that is basically just Schneider with brown-face and an accent.

Sometimes Netflix shows have a tendency to be way too long, and, as I mentioned, Sandy Wexler is way too long. It feels like they wasted some of the aforementioned creative freedom, and wasted really is the right word.

At one point, Sandy and Courtney fly to Alaska to talk to her father about letting him manage her. It’s just a completely unnecessary scene that really doesn’t make much sense once you get into it.

The Netflix-Sandler original movie exclusivity deal has been a critically unsuccessful experiment with two dreadfully unfunny comedies in The Do-Over and The Ridiculous Six. But, to be perfectly honest with you, Sandy Wexler isn’t that bad. Still, I am not saying it is any good. I certainly can’t give it a ringing endorsement, but it is one of the ‘best’ non-animated Adam Sandler films in a long time.

5.5 out of 10

– Jeffrey Rex

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