“I wish I was the one on that stage singing my heart out “.
“I wish I had been the one who wrote this book… or even a book”. Just like Chimamanda Adichie.
“I wish I was the one acting in this movie. I’m quite sure I would have played this role much better”.
I wish. I wish. I wish.
“I wish” had been the story of my life for many years but for how long can a man endure the sting from a bee so that he can enjoy honey? (I formed this one o! It sounds so right…hmmm)
Day in day out, year in year out, I watched my life pass by with no actual meaning. Nobody knew. Nobody would understand. Nobody but me, knew to save me. But how? I wondered. It was only a matter of time, but when would that time be?
I tried my hands on so many creative things (if my memory would permit me), one of which was baking. I remember vividly how I taught myself to bake cakes. What started off as a hobby, fast turned to a money making venture for me. Now, who says you can’t turn your passion into a profit making business?!
Unfortunately, the cake-making business was short-lived and I was jolted back to reality… the reality of working towards being a ‘professional’. To achieve that, I needed to study, and hard.
And so I went back to sailing on my wishes.
My point is “Don’t let this be your story” If you are reading this and you are still sailing on your wishes. Stop this minute and start working towards living your dreams. There’s nothing as frustrating as watching other people live the life you wished for.
Who told you you can’t be that person you want to be? Nothing as horrible as living a purposeless life.
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