The chase through Olympus continues! Will our heroes make it to the space elevator in one piece? How much parkour can we fit into one chase scene? How many characters from other tabletop games can I fit into this narrative? TUNE IN AND FIND OUT
The Cast
- Sarah (@sjhartsfield) as Marynia, laconic Russian combat specialist.
- Lindsey (@lindsey_noelle) as Amara: Fall evacuee, scavenger, and grump.
- Marisa (, @GentleMarisa) as Coral Typhoon, Mercurial, Reclaimer, very friendly octopus.
- Amanda (, @stonebarky) as Kendra White, a decidedly odd Lost Generation async.
- Alexis (AKA “The Centaur”) (, @LexSelzler) as Rhyann Haversham, scumborn synthtaur who ain’t give a shit.
- Wyeth as Titus Penington, heavily-armed Titanian hyperelite pretty boy.
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