From Pastor’s Desk:
The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant. My eyes are ever toward the Lord, For He shall pluck my feet out of the net. Psalm 25:14-15 NKJV
Allow me to offer comment on these verses from Matthew Poole’s Commentary:
Verse 14 The secret of the Lord; either,
1. His word and counsel, to direct and guide them in the right way, which he oft mentions here as a singular blessing, Ps 25:8, 9, 12, to show them their duty in all conditions, and the way to their eternal salvation. And so this may seem to be explained by the following words,
…he will show them his covenant. And this, though it was revealed, yet might be called a secret, because of the many and deep mysteries in it, and because it is said to be hid from many of them to whom it was revealed, Mt 11:25; 2Co 3:13-15; 4:3; and it is not to be understood to any purpose without the illumination of their minds by God’s Spirit, as is manifest from Ps 119:18, 19, and many other places of Scripture. Or rather,
2. His love and favour, which is called his secret, Job 29:4; Pr 3:32, and that very fitly, because it is known to none but him that enjoyeth it, Pr 14:10; Re 2:17. Or his gracious and fatherly providence, which is here said to be with them; or, as it is in the Hebrew, towards them, taking care of them, and working for them; even then when God seems to frown upon them.
Verse 15. My eyes are ever toward the Lord:
i.e. My trust is in him, my expectation of relief is from him only, and he will deliver me out of all my temptations and tribulations.
The situation you are dealing with this morning will determine which phrase leaps off the page at you. If you fear (reverence) Him, His word and counsel, as well as His love and favor, will be revealed. If your trust is in Him, He will deliver you from all temptations and trials.
He has promised! The ball is in your court!