***** (5 out of 5)
Lady Thief by A.C. Gaughen
Scarlet Series:
- Scarlet (Review / Amazon)
- Lady Thief (Amazon)
- Lion Heart (Amazon)
I love Robin Hood. Not specifically the Robin Hood in this book, but Robin Hood in general. I have read a TON of Robin Hood related books and watched at least 7 of the Robin Hood movies plus the 2006 BBC TV series. I don’t know what it is about the rapscallion, but I just can’t resist him. As a result this review might be a little tiny bit biased.
I liked this book almost as much as I liked Scarlet. I really enjoyed how the story is told through Scarlet’s POV. You still get some of her slang and odd way of talking, but it isn’t as noticeable in this one. For the most part she just replaces “was” with “were.”
Side story time! I accidentally said “were” instead of “was” in a sentence today when talking with my friend. I corrected myself immediately, and I don’t think he noticed, but I was surprised and knew exactly where it came from. Sometimes if I get super engrossed in a book I will catch myself talking like the character. Thanks to Pinterest I actually have a name for it! Experience-taking:
Since I don’t believe everything I read on the internet I googled it (yes I see the irony), and it seems to be an actual thing. There is an article by Medical Daily that explains it really well and provides background into actual studies that have been conducted. It is not unusual for this phenomenon to happen to me, and its usually not concerning, but it sucks when the character’s grammar is so bad and I have to make an effort not to talk like her.
Alright, enough about me. Back the the review: Its a Robin Hood story so its awesome. I love all the characters and I think its super clever to make Will Scarlet a girl. (not a spoiler! Its in the synopsis of the first book) The characters are so real and each have their own personalities and I even started to like one of the bad guys (gasp! I know its awful). Though this bad guy has some irredeemable qualities, he isn’t 100% awful like you are originally led to believe. Though it is a little frustrating to start to feel bad for someone you are sworn to hate! And then to top it off one of the good guys has some bad qualities too! His aren’t his fault (PTSD) but the way Scarlet handles them is stupid and just puts herself in danger without actually fixing anything. I didn’t like that.
Since Robin Hood is such a well known story there isn’t a whole lot you can do to change up the plot. There were some big things that happened that were totally predictable.
But there were a lot of smaller things that were total surprises and there were still some large plot twists. So it stayed captivating and exciting.
It did end on a cliff hanger and I HATE cliffhangers, but the third and final book has been published so at least I don’t have to wait long to find out what happens!
Overall this is a great book and I can’t wait to read the next one!
Bonus content: I am definitely not a stickler for correct grammar and punctuation (I’m sure you could find tons of errors in my posts) but I get really excited and proud of myself when I find errors in books. I don’t know what it is, maybe just knowing that I saw something that editors, and computers, and who knows how many other people missed. Or maybe its those stupid memes where they hide duplicate words and I always fall for it.
Drum-roll please … I would like to point out that location 2601 in the kindle edition says “but not the the dais” The word “the” is written twice in a row!
Yay me! Okay that was it. Not super exciting bonus content but it made me happy.
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