Strange Music

I received a free Kindle copy of Strange Music by Alan Dean Foster courtesy of Net Galley  and Random House, the publisher. It was with the understanding that I would post a review on Net Galley, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and my fiction book review blog. I also posted it to my Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus pages.

I requested this book as I rad a book by the author over 20 years ago – Splinter in the Mind’s Eye (a Star Wars novel), which did not really hold my interest, and thought I would give him another try.

While this book has it moments it is not really a stand alone novel, but one in a series where you have to read the prior ones in order to have a much better understanding of events/circumstances that take place in this book. While the author is well known and has a fan base, this book reminds why I haven’t picked up one in the past 20 years. His style just does not resonate with me.

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