Hi there! I’m back again with a book off my TBR List/Mountain. Today I’m featuring a sexy M/M police romance that’s a hit bestseller from A. E. Via. NOTHING SPECIAL is the first book in a five (so far) book series that features two Atlanta vice detectives, partners on the force, and how they fall in love.

About the book:
Detective Cashel ‘Cash’ Godfrey is big, tattooed and angry so people typically keep their distance. He’s fresh out of the police academy, however, no one is looking to partner with the six foot four beast with a huge chip on his shoulder and an inability to trust. When Cash scans the orientation room he wasn’t expecting to find sexy hazel eyes locked onto him. Eyes of the handsome Detective Leonidis ‘Leo’ Day.

Leo is charming, witty, hilariously sarcastic and the only one that can make Cash smile. He’s proud, out and one bad-ass detective.

Together Cash and Leo become the most revered and successful narcotics detectives Atlanta’s ever seen. Able to communicate and understand each other, without even having to voice it, they quickly climb up the promotional ranks.

When Cash saves Leo’s life in a raid that turns deadly, Leo begins to see something in the big man that no one else does…something special. But Leo fears he’ll never break through the impenetrable wall that protects Cash’s heart.

Nothing Special takes the reader through various emotions throughout the richly fulfilling plot that’s full of erotic gay romance, heartache, passion, trials and tribulations, police action scenes, and an intriguing twist that comes to an amazing ending that’s impossible to see coming.

My Review:
Despite reading widely in the M/M genre, I do miss books. And, when I was given the opportunity to read the FIFTH book in this series, I knew I had to go back and read the others, first. So, I did.

I really liked this one, because I really liked the characters. They felt very real to me, even making decisions that I felt were poor–out of a misguided sense for love or honor.

Cashel Godfrey and Leonidis Day are detectives in the Atlanta PD, and they mostly work to hunt down drug lords. They’ve been partners for four years, and get along really, really well. Day is out and proud, and “God” doesn’t mind. He’s a closet bisexual and has developed intense feelings for Day, while Day harbors what he believes is an unrequited crush. They work side-by-side and often spend evenings together. God’s been hiding his really, horribly-dysfunctional family history from Day (and everyone) for years, and believes he’s unlovable as a result. When God gets leveled by the flu, Day’s his at-home nursemaid. And, Day contacts Genesis, God’s younger half-brother which ends up being a catastrophic mess, and leads to God and Day having a falling out.

I’m really not stating it all as strongly as it happens in the book, because that was some messed up crap, and I might have gotten a little vicarious-PTSD in the reading. What remained, however, was the heartache, and neither God nor Day could cope in that fractured state. God made his move, and Day was completely bowled over. And there was lots and lots of sex. And some cop stuff. And fixing the lives of fellow cops who had separately bordered on harassment-status, to that point. And more sex, and a huge drug bust that went every-which-way instead of simply sideways, and Day was nearly killed and protocol was completely absent, and I still liked the book, because God and Day are really fun to ride along with.

Also, things got kinky, and new “friends” arrive on the sexy scene, and that might make some readers mad, but I was all “if it feels good, boys” and they went for it, and I liked it all the more.

The book is a pleasure read, with some really harrowing moments that only reinforced how special both these guys are to each other. The resolution with God’s family seemed way too fast, but it happened near enough to the end that I could imagine a happy ending was necessary, and would be revisited in later books.

Interested? You can find NOTHING SPECIAL on Goodreads and Amazon.
About the Author:
A.E. Via is an author in the beautiful gay romance genre and also founder and owner of Via Star Wings Books. Her writing embodies everything from hopelessly romantic to adventure, to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.

When she’s not clicking away at her laptop, she devotes herself to her family—a husband and four children. Adrienne Via has tons of more stories to tell, but she really would like to hear yours. Via Star Wings Books is currently accepting submissions for established and aspiring LGBTQ authors.

Visit her site to learn more! Go to A.E. Via’s official website for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peak on upcoming work, free reads, VSWB submissions, and where she’ll appear next. You can also check out her blog, Facebook, and Twitter.

Thanks for popping in, and don’t forget to tell me if there are books I should add to my TBR mountain!

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