That Olde White Magick

And this was something which I found myself strangely attracted to. In a way that I had some fondness for the characters yet comepletely zero interest in the mystery.

Yes, I didn’t really care for any of the characters but I enjoyed the characters and their interactions which had a lot more sense here. As for the ending, which was rather comedic but one which I just liked. The tone of the book hasn’t been very dark from the beginning and it didn’t progress much further either.

Although the mystery didn’t have any connection to the main characters which is a pity. As when it makes the detective think about their own demons, as well as their true opinion on this is something that I will always like about. This just didn’t have that connection.

But this was a bunch of really relatable characters, which worked very well for me in the least.

Rating: 3 out of 5

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