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Trügerisches Bild (2011)

by Robert B. Parker(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 3
3865322530 (ISBN13: 9783865322531)
review 1: I liked it, because who couldn't like Spenser, but I got the feeling that this was very far on in the series and becoming a bit formulaic. Having checked on goodreads, I've realised that its book 38 in the series, which in itself should be applauded, but confirmed what I was thinking while reading it.The best thing about Spenser is that he very well read, a great cook, a sharp draw and quick tongued. This makes him incredibly fun to read about. But I was aware in this book, like never before that he has snappy conversation with pretty much everyone, which didn't feel very realistic, because a lot of people wouldn't tune in to a pattern of speech like that. The dialogue was so fast it was occasionally disengaging. There seemed to be a lot more swearing too, which put m... moree off. I remember from the older Spenser books that he seemed more affected by what happened to people, could be empathetic on occasion. And although it would make sense in his character arc that he's far more unaffected now, the almost callous nature in which he observed certain murders made me feel a little less empathetic towards him.Aside from that Spenser did everything that Spenser does best. And his one-liners alone are worth reading for.
review 2: I've read a few Parker novels over the years but am not a dedicated fan. I picked up the audio book at Costco for a low ball price and decided to listen to it on a recent business trip. Thought it might be more interesting since it is narrated by Joe Mantegna and while that contributed some familiarity to the reading, it was curiously flat. Of course it is not designed to be a radio play but I have certainly listened to books with a lot more oomph in the telling. I don't know if the fact that it was an audio book that made it annoying but the use of "he said", "I said", "the lawyer said" "X said" got old pretty fast and was a distraction. A bit too simplistic dialogue for an accomplished author. The plot was interesting if somewhat predictable. Strange, I thought that I would be dealing with two novels at the same time on art masterpieces (Mickey Outside by David Lender being the other.) If one is a Spenser fan, then one is used to the one liners he slings out, the "witty" repartee with his love interest Susan, etc. but he often comes across as too clever by half. Missed the Hawk character in this one. This is one of the last books written before Parker's death and, like most of his material, it will hold your interest and go down easy. less
Reviews (see all)
I would have liked this book better if the painting at the center of its plot had been real.
Robert Parker will be missed......... Spenser and Hawk's dialog is unparalleled ........
Always like the Spencer series. Very interesting.
More style than substance.
for the map of Boston
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