The Alchemy of Money, Wealth and Prosperity Attraction

This article is about money making and prosperity drawing from Zi Wei astrology, esoteric, quantum physics and mind-set strengthening concepts.

Attracting Wealth Does Not Have To Be A Struggle

The science of money is a lot easier than most people think. Stuart Wilde once said that:

“Life shouldn’t be a struggle.”

In the Chinese culture, we were taught to work hard and you shall reap the rewards; That notion is not entirely wrong, but I believe that a great part of obtaining money is to positively embodying the belief that you deserve it – to charm it with love and light into our life; to feel a sense of it all just coming to you naturally.

It doesn’t matter what background, belief or sex you are. The logic is simple, according to quantum physics energy is the life-force to everything. We are all made up of atoms, which are essentially energy fields. What we know and learn from quantum physics is that ‘energy attracts like energy’. It creates an energy field, which then reverberates, and creates bigger energy fields.

If the above logic is correct, then Money is Energy!

Rotating particles waiting for us to invite it into our lives.

In traditional India, this life-force is called “Chakras”.

According to the Indian culture, there are seven critical energy centres in our body in which energy flows through. The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’. Translated from the Hindi, it means ‘Wheel of spinning Energy’. A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy.


In traditional Chinese culture, the equivalent of this life-force is called qi or ch’i. Qi is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living thing and translates literally as “breath”, “air”, or “gas”, and figuratively as “material energy”, “life force”, or “energy flow”. Qi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and Chinese martial arts.

No matter what belief system you have, raising your energy gives you better vitality, it raises your spirit, and ultimately it transforms into physical energy that swirls into and through you. Money energy is the same, you got to raise your energy levels to attract it into your life.

Money Energy In Zi Wei Dou Shu

When analysing Zi Wei Dou Shu birth charts the concept of “energy” can be applied to the brightness magnitude in a Zi Wei Dou Shu chart. Traditionally speaking, the higher the brightness, the more energy power the star embodies. As a result of this, this brings more natural positive energy and luck to that person.

This concept can be applied to Richard Branson’s Zi Wei Dou Shu Birth Chart (See Explanation of ‘Hacking Branson’s Birth Chart’ here). If you have read my previous blog entry about “Hacking Richard Branson’s Zi Wei Dou Shu Birth Chart”, then you would have learnt that Branson’s Zi Wei birth chart isn’t strictly speaking the most affluent looking chart, because the primary “self” court is not exactly super bright (or in other words, it is not a very energetic star). However, his “travel” court is of high magnitude and brightness, full of energy having both the Killer and Vault stars, taking every opportunity it can to naturally attract money. The vault star is also a primary wealth star.

In my opinion, I don’t believe Branson’s birth chart is particularly outstanding. His stars are NOT overall “super energetic” or “bright”. However, I would say Branson’s strongest or most ENERGETIC court is in his actions, being his “travel court”. We can see here, the Branson although quiet and introverted by nature, his strong energetic actions creates and attracts MONEY MAGIC.

For reasons above, it may be safe to say that ‘free-will’ can sometimes be more favourable than your ‘destined luck’, which is lays in the “self” court.

Taming The ‘Monkey Brain’ (Self-Doubt) To Attract Wealth

Liz Gilbert, Eat Pray Love author explains that the ‘Monkey Brain’ are “the thoughts that swing from limb to limb, stopping only to scratch themselves, spit and howl.” (Monkey Brain).

While this analogy of “self-doubt” is funny and creative, it can be detrimental to the rising “anxious” world that we live in. In fact, our self-doubt builds so much “reluctance energy” in the giving of love and compassion to ourselves, that it acts as a “dark force” that holds our heels from doing what the heart yearns.

This “dark force” can ignite thoughts such as:

  • “When am I getting promoted?”
  • “When and how can I quit my job and start my own business.”
  • “How do I make money and when am I getting it?”
  • “My manager knows nothing, and I could do a better job them him”.
  • “The only way I can be rich, is to live in scarcity.”
  • “I don’t believe that I can attract customers [therefore money], to start my own business.”

Applying what we learnt about with Quantum physics, Qi Energy and Chakras, the path to obtaining wealth is a simple one. Stop killing yourself with self-doubt, complaints and negative energy.

If you’re not killing yourself slowly with negative thoughts and energy, then you’re killing your chances of receiving great “money making” energy.

Transcend from the monkey brain and into abundant thinking. Money is there for the taking. Remember, money is energy, and it is everywhere. There are millions of ways to earn money and get it.

Transcend from the monkey brain and into abundant thinking. Money is there for the taking. Remember, money is energy, and it is everywhere. There are millions of ways to earn money and get it.

Believe me, complaining does not help.

What is holding you back from making money was never your boss or work colleague, children or family, it was you all along.

So how do we dig ourselves from the monkey brain? Two (2) things:

  • Repeat positive mantras and practice positive money making mind-set. If you do not have a good one (Right now, I am providing a 30 minutes money making the positive pledge in addition to my Zi Wei Astrology Birth Chart Analysis – ends 31 Jan 2018). I use this positive pledge myself every day, and it has helped me a lot in starting my morning with a winning attitude; and
  • Ground yourself. Grounding, or earthing, refers to connecting electrically with the Earth. A growing body of research is finding numerous health benefits as a result of the physical body being grounded. It’s just a great, free way to raise your energy vibrations to attract everything that is positive into your life. To learn about the science of grounding, check out this YouTube link
  • Frugality includes all the other virtues. –Cicero

    One of the things I discovered about attracting anything good in your life is to actively seek out for it, take action and grab it with both hands. The thing about money is this. Using the logic above, big money cannot be made if you are not willing to pay for it. Whether it be knowledge or upskilling yourself, all require energy and output to you and to whoever is giving that service or product.

  • An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. –Benjamin Franklin
  • We have all encountered THAT friend who is “stingy” and “small-minded”, and who counts every “cent” and “coin”. These small-minded souls are only good for that, attracting small gains that last 5 seconds. Don’t expect big gains with frugal means. You got to spend money to make money. Whether it be spending it on self-development and business courses or if you have no idea, pay an expert or mentor to help you.

    This article only touches the surface on findings and philosophies in attracting money and wealth from my research and case studies found in  Zi Wei Dou Shu birth charts. Of course, like any good business person, if you want to transcend the confines of your self-limiting thinking and shatter money-making paradigms then you must be willing to take action. If you have no idea how to attract money in your life, expecting a penny-pinching deals in your life,  in exchange for the “free air you breathe” is not going to get you anywhere. Pay for good solid advice if you have to.

    I’ll leave you with this quote from me.

    Think Big Money, Attract Big Money.


    The alignment in philosophical science (Zi We Dou Shu, Qi and Chakra) and traditional science-based methods (quantum physics) that positive “wealth attainment” energy creates “wealth attraction” shows how vital mind over matter is.

    By combining a bit of “destiny/fated luck”, positive mind-set and actions, we need to all change our direction in thinking, in actioning, motivating, the energy within, to resonate and believe the many possibilities of money-making.

    Whoever said “seeing is believing” got it all wrong. Seeing is NOT believing…

    The proverb should be “Believing is Seeing!”

    By combining positive strokes of “good, healthy thinking, planning and doing” you too can be wealthy.

    Once you believe, the world of money-making opportunities comes speeding into you. That force is so great, you can’t and won’t want it to stop.

    Want to know how your wealth luck is this year, why not schedule an appointment with me on my scheduling page. (FREE strategy session). Be prepared with your birth date and time data.

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