The Crown

I chose to read this book as I have watched the series on Netflix and was interested in the stories behind the story. The book is well written, researched and engaging. It does a very good job of pointing our where the series took liberities with actual events while providing greater detail on the individuals and events that occur during the series. Of particular interest to me where the numerous photos of the royals that I had not seen before. This book is worth reading even if you have not watched the series. I am looking forward to the companion book to season two (which I have already watched).

I received a free hard copy of  The Crown by Robert Lacey courtesy of Blogging for Books and Crown Books,  the publisher. It was with the understanding that I would post a review to Blogging for Books, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and my nonfiction book review blog. I also posted it to my Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Plus pages.


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