The Dish 3 (Pages 116 – 133)


Laura can be quite pessimistic. She has been looking forward to seeing Adam again, and they meet for breakfast the following Thursday. However, they are interrupted by a phone call, and when Adam returns to the table, he makes his excuses and leaves. Before leaving, he says that there are some things going on in his life and needs to sort them out, and that will happen soon. After his departure, Laura thinks that she has lost her chance with him and fears she won’t see him again. Her fears are confirmed when he doesn’t text or call her. I think Adam must be having some kind of problem, and maybe it is about the restaurant where he is the head chef. I can’t think of anything right now, but I bet that he will contact Laura eventually.

At work Laura continues working on her review, deleting and modifying things after the office lawyer’s and subeditor’s advice. The last thing she wants is for the owners of the restaurant to sue her and the magazine for defamation, and she needs to avoid any reference to her gender. I am curious to know what will happen when the magazine finally comes out and people read the article.

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