The Great Gatsby

Have you ever watched a movie so unusual and captivating, that you really don’t know where to start in explaining it? Well, that’s exactly how I feel about The Great Gatsby. But before the irony in that statement kills us all, let me give you a little taste of the insane tale, that is The Great Gatsby.

Set in the 1920’s, The Great Gatsby begins with an aspiring writer (Nick) moving to New York, across the bay from his extremely wealthy cousin, Daisy. This leads to Nick being sucked into the world of the super-rich, where you party all the time and cheating on your significant other is only unacceptable if you get caught (Wow, this movie really makes New York in the 20’s, look wild and unruly).

Nick’s new next-door neighbour is a mysterious millionaire, that no one seems to know anything about. Except, for a bunch of wild rumours and that he throws the best parties. Soon after moving in, Nick is personally invited to one of Gatsby’s parties. Something that has never happened to anyone before (apparently Gatsby’s parties are just one big gate-crashing event). This eventually leads to Nick discovering who the mysterious Gatsby is and from here, the real mystery begins.

I really can’t say much more about the plot of this film, without completely spoiling it. But what I will say, is that it certainly kept me guessing. From who Gatsby was and how he made his millions, to how the story would end. I was constantly guessing and re-guessing. It was by far one of the best stories I’ve experienced in a while. The plot twists and delivery were just excellent and I really can’t find much wrong with The Great Gatsby.

Another very impressive factor in this film is its backgrounds and scenes. They are just so attention grabbing and so well done, making The Great Gatsby a real feast for the eyes. Especially, when the backgrounds are used to reflect the characters thoughts and emotions. Which also added a really nice feel to the movie, that completely sucks you in and has you very much amazed.

My only criticisms of this film, is that it’s a little slow and slightly boring at the start. However, once the film finally gets going, it turns out to be very exciting and enjoyable. Also, although I thoroughly enjoyed this films unique and quirky style, I don’t think it would be to everyone’s taste and some may find it a little too much and a little too strange for their liking.

Overall, The Great Gatsby was an amazing film and the best film I’ve seen in a while. From its endless plot twists and the mystery that is its storyline, to its dazzling and breathtaking scenes, I loved every bit of it. This film may be a slow starter, but from the second you lay eyes on the Great Jay Gatsby, this movie will hold you captive until the very end (in a good way though. Not in a scary hostage situation way). For this reason, I would highly recommend watching The Great Gatsby. It would make a great addition to any movie night.

Rating: 5/5

Hope you like my new shorter style of review. I plan on trying this style out for a while, as it should allow me to post more regularly. Reviews will still be the same quality, but just more compact and to the point and of course, I’ll still include some digital art.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy this new style

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