The Happy Reader, Issue 10 (Winter 2017)

Published December 1st 2017 by Penguin Classics
Editor-in-chief: Seb Emina
Format: Paperback
Genre: Bookish Magazine
Pages: 66
Star rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Opening line:

“The Icelandic word jólabókaflóðið means ‘flood of books’, in reference to the huge quantity of titles published in the run-up to Christmas.”

Goodreads synopsis:

For avid readers and the uninitiated alike, this is a chance to reengage with classic literature and to stay inspired and entertained.

The concept of the magazine is simple: the first half is a long-form interview with a notable book fanatic and the second half explores one classic work of literature from an array of surprising and invigorating angles.

In The Happy Reader 10, our summer classic is Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We

My review

Since The Happy Reader has established itself as my favourite magazine, I was in no doubt that I’d be buying this issue. I walked into my local independent bookshop (Five Leaves) and saw Jarvis Cocker looking right at me from a magazine stand just next to the till. Within five seconds of entering the shop, it was in my hands. Then, and only then, did I begin to peruse the rest of the shop.

“You went straight to that,” said the bookseller while I paid, and I reassured him I would be buying every copy in the future. Which also means I will be buying them from that shop.

On the bus home, I had a flick through, read a few snippets and looked at what kind of articles the book of the season, We, had inspired. I could already tell it would be a fun issue to read. I had also spotted Nottingham  author Jon McGregor mentioned within the pages, so decided to share my joy at this on Twitter: