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De Jongen Die Zijn Vader Zocht (2013)

by John Boyne(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: A beautiful story about a boy's love for his father and a historical account of some of the first encounters with soldiers with PTSD (before there was such a label). From the same author as The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, this book tells the story of Alfie Summerfield, whose father enlists in the army and goes off to war. When his mother stops sharing his father's letters, Alfie's investigations lead him to a local hospital where he finds his father confused and alone, recuperating slowly from "shell shock". Without his mother's knowledge, Alfie hatches a plan to save his dad. A very sweet, sometimes heartbreaking story of the impact of war on all involved told through the eyes of a child. Grades 7 and up.
review 2: A beautiful story about a boy's love for
... more his father and a historical account of some of the first encounters with soldiers with PTSD (before there was such a label). From the same author as The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, this book tells the story of Alfie Summerfield, whose father enlists in the army and goes off to war. When his mother stops sharing his father's letters, Alfie's investigations lead him to a local hospital where he finds his father confused and alone, recuperating slowly from "shell shock". Without his mother's knowledge, Alfie hatches a plan to save his dad. A very sweet, sometimes heartbreaking story of the impact of war on all involved told through the eyes of a child. Grades 7 and up. less
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un bel hommage aux soldats de la Grande Guerre et un sacre message pacifiste. A lire absolument!
It is a great book, and to not give anything away I can't say any more. Read it!!
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