The Kitchen House

I read this book several years ago and really liked it, so when I saw its sequel, Glory Over Everything, at B&N, I knew it deserved a reread. It was just as good (if not better) the second time around!

I was immediately immersed in the world of Tall Oaks and all its residents. Lavinia and Belle narrate a story about the South in the late 1800s that sadly still holds a lot of truth in today’s current world. (Click here to read the synopsis.) I think if more people would read stories like this one, there would be a lot more peace, understanding, and acceptance for one another. Instead of repeating history, we could learn from it and do better.

For this reason, I will continue to seek out books that expand my awareness for diversity of all types – race, class, gender, LGTBQ+ – EVERYTHING in hopes that others will do the same. One of my favorite places to collaborate with other like-minded individuals is over at the Diverse Books Club group. (You can also join their Goodreads group here.) Every month, Madeleine and her team chose a theme and then announce three books that follow that theme. Throughout the month, you can join in discussions that arise from the reading. It’s a lovely way to further the conversation and to gain compassion, empathy, and understanding for topics you may not have a lot of first-hand knowledge about.

In The Kitchen House, Kathleen Grissom weaves an intricate tale about slavery; indentured servants; privileged, rich white people; depression; love; hate; and loss into a story that burrows deep into your heart. I loved so many of the characters like they were members of my own family. I found myself cheering for them throughout the story, all the while knowing how this all-too-familiar tale was going to end.

I’m so excited to see how the story is moved further along in Glory Over Everything (synopsis here) that I’m moving it to the top of my TBR pile for October!

I’m curious; what’s on your TBR pile for October! Also, please leave any suggestions of book titles to add to my diversity selections!

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