The Night I Became A Backstreet Boy! One Of The Best Moments Of My Life.

Yo! Florence, Italy gave me one of the greatest moments of my life! Okay so I knew there was one night on the tour that there would be a karaoke night, but boy who knew it would be this epic! So I had been thinking all night what song can i perform, what will the crowd like, what can I sing well? We get to the club and there is this big stage and the club is pretty populated. I’m a little buzzed but not enough to get crazy, so the nerves are slightly there. I felt the crowd out, picked a song, and moments later I became a rock star! You woulda thought it was my song I was singing! Blowing kisses, grabbing strangers hands, I was a real Backstreet Boy. Simpy put, it was magic…

I’m sorry the video ends before it really gets good, but the woman on the camera got so into it she had to watch herself! Truly one of the greatest moments of my life…

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