The Playdate 3 (Pages 159 – 181)


Debs claims that she has been harassed by the Poplars, Daisy’s family. We don’t know what happened to the girl, but Debs is convinced that they have found where she now lives. According to her, the cyclist that caused the accident with is the brother of the family, and that was why he fled straightaway. Then that morning she was woken up by a very angry dustman who kept thumping his fist on her door, and when she goes down to see what is happening, she notices that her recycle bin has been left. Then when she comes closer to the bin, she sees that it is full of pebbles and there is a very insulting note.

Later when Allen comes home, there is a police officer that wants to ask her about Rae’s accident. It is then that Debs talks and tells them about her suspicions, about the continuous cold phones, the cyclist, and the bin full of pebbles. The police officer mentions the attack on Daisy Poplar, but he also tells her about the family settling down in Spain, and when they go and check the bin, the pebbles are gone as well as the note. So what is this? Is Debs delusional? Or is she being gaslit? And what is this attack on Daisy Poplar? What happened to her?

In hospital Suzy goes and talks to Callie, who is upset. The police officer who has talked to her says that Debs claims that Suzy never told her to make sure she held Rae’s hand when crossing the road. Suzy still maintains that she told Debs. So who is lying? I have the hunch that Suzy forgot and is trying to cover her faux-pas.

Shortly after Suzy arrives, she sees Callie’s ex-husband Tom and his girlfriend turn up. Suzy made the mistake of calling him when Rae had her accident. Tom is not very nice, and as soon as he arrives, he launches an attack against Callie, accusing her of being selfish and not looking after Rae properly. Tom is a bully, and Callie doesn’t deserve this diatribe. Thankfully, Suzy comes to her defence and tells Tom a few home truths about Callie and his absence.

The book is surprising me as I thought it would focus on Debs as a creepy stalker, but I think it is interesting to see how this incident will affect these three women. Someone is lying here, and I would like to know more about Debs so that I can judge her better. Right now she seems to be quite unstable, but maybe she has had unlucky experiences that has rocked her, so that is why she is the way she is.

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