The Pole Star of Our Life

In one of my earlier posts, when I wrote about future being an illusion, I wrote about an exception and called it the pole star of our lives.

Pole star is the only star that does not move and denotes north and has been used in navigation for a very long time.

In our lives, there is just one thing as certain and as immovable as the pole star and it is death. Death is certain like no other thing and in our life and future, it is the only thing we can be sure of.

We should use our death as a pole star. We should navigate our lives using Death, the pole star of our lives because nothing else is as certain as it is. It is that concrete pillar on which you can support the entire structure of your life.

But how do we use death as a tool? To begin with, people should start standing up to death instead of running away from it. We need to accept and understand that our death is inevitable and unpredictable. It will come and come at any time. Without the realization of this ultimate truth, you cannot take the next step.

We need to meditate upon death. There are many philosophies and schools of thought that advocate thinking deeply on your own death. For example Ninjas or Samurai to Stoicism or various Hindu religious sects.

The idea behind it is not to scare you but on the contrary to remove your fear. How does that going to remove your fear? Fear comes when you do not know something. You are afraid of the dark because you can’t see anything in it. When there is light your fear vanishes. It is ignorance which is the root of all fear. Knowledge dispels fear. Once you start thinking of your death, things will begin to get clear in your mind. You get prepared for it.

If you do not think about a possible foreign invasion, a war, how can you possibly prepare yourself for one? Why would you create forces or better weapons or strategies? Why would you forge alliances if you do not think about wars? You would be caught off guard and annihilated if you don’t.

But death is a different matter. Thinking about death is a very different business altogether.

We think of death but we forget about it easily. We think about death only when it is at our face or when we see someone’s death or have a near-death experience.

This is because there seems to be no point in thinking about death. Mostly we do not have any clear-cut answers. We do not even know what death really is. What happens when we die and what happens to us when we die? Finding the answers to the questions of death is so difficult and there are rarely any people who can guide you about it. So even if one wants to think about death one is repulsed by the fear and is unable to find any illuminating light.

We are unable to find any logical answers to the question of death. And to explore what metaphysics states about death and soul requires venturing into an entirely different field.

What we can do here is to think through philosophy and logic.

What is death? What does it mean for our lives as we live today?

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