The Reason Why…

Each day we are faced with difficult people, situations and decisions. We usually think why me? Have you ever stopped for a minute to think why not me?

I usually would conclude like most, why me? It wasn’t until I had someone close to me diagnosed with cancer that I started to consider the question, why not me?

A woman I had known my whole life who just received some of the worst new ever stopped and asked herself this simple question. When I would break down she would say, “why not me”? I of course said, “it was unfair” but she saw it differently. She had beaten cancer 6 times, yet this is still the question she asked herself. She told me,” god knows I am strong enough to overcome this.  I would rather endure this pain so someone else doesn’t have to.” I was astounded by her answer. How can someone be so willing to accept this situation and not say “why me”?

This woman has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. Instead of finding fault in the world or a reason to be scared we need to embrace even the most difficult things, people and circumstances. Now, each time I am faced with an obstacle I remind myself to ask, why not me?

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